Monday, June 16, 2008

Young Publishers bring books to life

This is my favorite!

Students in K-6 have the opportunity to write their stories and have their books bound in hardcover. The books are written and illustrated by hand and are sent to Studentreasures- a national program to motivate students to learn through publishing. It is a free program with a minimum of 100 students.

Check out for more information.


Violeta said...

This is really a good idea because it will motivate more children to keep on reading and writing. Every student, regardless of age or grade level, loves it when his/her work is being publicly acknowledged or recognized. It is very satisfying for them and it encourages them to work harder and improve further.

Andrew GE 555 said...

This is an absolutely great idea. Children love to see their work as a finished product. Not only will this serve as a form of motivation for them to keep writing, but it will also allow them to save some of their compositions for many years to come. I am actually going to recommend this to the head of my program for next year.

Nationwide said...
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Nationwide said...

This is Studentreasures publishing, we just wanted to thank you for this wonderful post and for the comments associated with it. We appreciate every teacher that decides to bring our free student publishing programs into their classroom!