Monday, June 9, 2008

Article on NCLB June 9th

I found an interesting article on NCLB from Education Week entitled Candidates are at odds over K-12 . But McCain and Obama both back NCLB Goals.

Senator McCain and Senator Obama support NCLB goals and use of testing . Obama says the goals and higher standards are right.

McCain says the law is a good beginning but needs to improve for Special Ed and ESL students.

Just like we heard mentioned in the movie in class the Goal of NCLB is 100% proficiency. This is unrealistic because you can't guarantee it .

A political scientist mentioned that this could be a big issue in the upcoming Presidential election.

Check out for complete article. What does everyone think about this?


Arleen said...

I read part of the article because you have to subscribe in order to read all of it. However, I am very curious what McCain means by marketing and reducing spending. I will be watching closely as to what both candidates have to say about NCLB and other programs.

Cindye said...

I will bring it to class on Monday